  • Introduction
  • How to access the book
  • By Tony Kostas
Led into love
Led Into Love

Led into love

  • Introduction
  • How to access the book
  • By Tony Kostas


In 1970, at the age of 28, Tony Kostas was living out his passion to serve God. He was in full-time ministry, busily involved in leadership, evangelism and teaching.

Then the God he served gave him a most unexpected direction, sending him from his home in Melbourne, Australia, to Moscow, Russia, on an incredible seven-month journey of faith and love.

Faith, because he constantly experienced the joy and the reward of believing God. Love, because having begun his journey as a servant, he was transformed into a lover.

Leaving behind his wife, Judy, and their three young children, Tony travelled to North America, Europe and Russia being led by God each step of the way. As he did so, he was drawn into an intimate love relationship with God – depending on Him for everything from the necessary finance, to the route he would take and the people he would meet.

For the first time in his life, he experienced a desire to share in Jesus’ sufferings, and found the freedom that comes from believing God without ever needing an outcome.

What took place between Tony and God during that remarkable journey continues to be foundational to his life and to the lives of those who share his calling.

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By Tony Kostas

Tony Kostas was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1941, where at the age of seventeen, he committed his life to Jesus at a Billy Graham Crusade. In 1967 he founded the Melbourne Outreach Crusade, a non-denominational evangelistic outreach. This later grew into Outreach International, which is now a worldwide body of believers, who share a God-given calling and are committed to live in love with Him and with one another.

Tony’s life is a true expression of all that God has revealed to him throughout the years, in its purity and focus on loving God. His passion is for God to have the desire of His heart: a people who truly represent Him because they are His and His alone.