About Us

Who we are

We are a body of believers called together by God to live in His community – the whole world. We each live in relationship with God and with one another.

Like all relationships, ours are continually growing and maturing as God draws us closer to Himself. Our lives reflect the importance of prayer, worship, teaching and sharing and we seek opportunities to gather together in fellowship.

We believe wholeheartedly in God the Father, in Jesus His Son and in the Holy Spirit as They reveal themselves to us in the Bible and through the lives of many believers throughout the centuries. The Bible is the foundation for everything we believe and do.

Individually our lives are centred on our personal love relationship with the living God and are an expression of Jesus’ first and greatest commandment:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30 NIV).
About Us

Global Communities

We gather together as church communities around the world. Take a look at our locations and contact us if you would like more information.

Our Journey

Our journey

For more than fifty years God has led us, teaching us about Himself and His ways both as a body and through our individual love relationships with Him.

As Paul wrote: “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God” (Romans 8:14 NIV)

We’ve learnt the importance of recognising God’s direction and to respond and obey His leading. Our commitment to God is that His words will return to Him fulfilled in our lives each day.

There is no greater privilege than living in love with God for His purposes. God does not compel anyone to do anything, He invites us, by our freewill choices, to dwell with Him and be an expression of Him in and through our lives.

Our History

Leadership team

Under God’s authority we are called to lead, being accountable to Him and one another

Simon & Jackie Kostas

Simon & Jackie Kostas

Joel & Cathryn Egan

Joel & Cathryn Egan

UK & Europe
Toby & Bronwyn Galloway

Toby & Bronwyn Galloway

Joel & Carly Kiefte

Joel & Carly Kiefte

Paul & Tania Kiefte

Paul & Tania Kiefte

North America & New Zealand
John & Sharon Marr

John & Sharon Marr

North America

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