Our heart’s desire is to keep discovering His will both in our own lives and relationship, and for us in His world.
We moved from Adelaide in response to God’s direction, leaving behind family and our church community (we are so grateful that we can stay in touch as much as we do online). That was a big step for us, but looking back now we are so thankful for God’s leading and all that He has and continues to teach us as we live in love with Him.
On Wednesday evenings and Sundays we are currently a part of a local missional community. Outside of that, we are free and available – and love any opportunities for fellowship with those that love God or who want to discover Him in their lives.
We love to meet with people who love God and want to share that with others. Please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.
As an expression of our love for God, we moved to Hobart Tasmania in 2021. It has and continues to be a faith adventure discovering what is on God’s heart for the city. God continually draws us closer to Him as we respond to His guidance, which is both a joy and privilege to us. We love life here as a young family. With our two boys we cherish that the days are full and ever changing.